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Pitt is home to a rare cluster of dynamic junior and senior faculty specializing in the early modern Eurasian, North American, European, and Maritime Worlds. Emphasizing trans-national, comparative, and world historical approaches, we collaborate across fields and departments.

International Networks

We participate actively in numerous international societies concerned with early modern Atlantic, British, French, Luso-Iberian, and Ottoman studies, as well as the Forum for European Expansion and Global Initiative and the World History Association. We enjoy links with the Center for History and Economics, Cambridge, UK and the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam

Speaker Series

Every term we host national and international speakers, workshops, and seminars. Graduates and faculty who are interested in proposing future speakers/events, please submit a proposal to per20@pitt.edu.

Prize Competition

Early Modern Worlds' essay prize competition: Every other year we award a prize to the best MA paper by a Pitt graduate student whose research focuses on the early modern period. The prize is a book allowance of $250. For more information, click here.

Reading Groups

The Early Modern Worlds Initiative sponsors a number of reading groups organized by graduate students. Information on how to apply for funding to cover the costs of books is available here.